Posts filed under: ‘Junior year‘

Woo Hoo! Spring break and a little school work :D

Ok Wow! So something interesting learned in class this week is….TIME MANAGEMENT IS EVERYTHING! Haha…me and keta manage our time very well…and we will continue to do so over spring break…even if it kills us…:) I look around the room and see ppl still reading their books and thats good if they don’t ahve to present until the end of the year…but why not get it done early?! That way you wouldn’t have to crunch to get it done on time. Be an overachiever…not an underachiever!

Now…to switch gears…SPRING BREAK! I am not really going anywhere until the very end..i’ll be going to Nebraska to visit my sister at college and pick up my application to Creighton!!! I’m not gonna lie…i’m a bit excited. Other than that…my friend Jacob and I might venture to the great Pueblo a couple times…and i’ll hang out at my house bored…but sleep in! As far as homework…i know i’m gonna have to do some over break…but even then i’ll probably put it off…haha. Anyways….have a good spring break all! 😀

1 comment March 4, 2008

Brainstorming Social Action

Hola! This week, as you know, we started finding ideas for our social action plans and choosing just one to follow through with.  I searched through many ideas and happily came up with one i would be happy doing.  I chose to do an outreach project to help prevent child abuse.  I’m doing this alone and i think i will research first what kinds of abuse occur and then also how it can be stopped. Kind of as a thing on the side, i want to try to do a fundraiser in our school so that i am able to go out and buy specific things that social services might need. I really want to raise awarness to mostly parents and so i plan on writing my paper based on helping parents recognize abuse on other children and helping them to avoid abuse to their own kids. I need to contact social services to get some information about what kind of things they need donated to help these kids. I think the majority of my publicity will occur around town and to the adult public.  If anyone has any ideas about how/what to donate or where i could speak about this topic for adults…please please let me know! Thanks!! Hope everyones week is going well. 😀

8 comments February 27, 2008

Brittish Author specific accomplishments:D

Hello everyone! I am writing to give you a play by play on how Marketa and I are doing with our Brittish authors project. I would like to first off say that by setting time limits for save a lot of time and get tons of work done. On monday Marketa and I completed our work cited pages and finished up our two colum notes.  We then set a time limit to complete our individual quote analysis…the due date for those is Friday!!! We both right now have about 4 of our quotes analyzed:) Yay for us! haha…but next week we plan on starting our 8 PAGE ESSAY!!!! It also helps that Keta and I have wonderful communication with eachother and are great at keeping eachother focused and on track. I feel that we have been spending a generous amount of time on these projects and are making very good progress without being overwhelmed. Hope everyone else is doing well!

Add a comment February 27, 2008

Social Action Project Ideas!

Ok so i was looking over that website and i searched under Teens. I found a really cool project called “Unlocking Today’s Generations” and its a project involving tutoring, talking, and playing with kids who just basically need somone to hang out with or talk to. I think this is a cool idea because i feel that as a teen, i would be able to be there for a student to talk to or help out with school stuff. It says in the description that many parents of students or teens don’t have enough time to listen to their problems or help them with their homework. I totally agree because i know at my house, its always so hectic and there’s barely anytime to just sit and talk to someone. So this idea is so cool and its something easy that anyone could do:D

The second project that caught my eye might sound a little cheesy to some people.  Its called the “Sweethearts” project. Its a project to help girls become lady’s and to help them prepare for life after Hight School.  To some this might sound dumb, but i really think that our generation of woman gets underestimated and looked past. They are also getting taken advantage of and put down.  I feel that a project like this would encourage girls out of high school to make something of their lives and set goals for their future. Me being a teen girl, i see how much potential teen girls have but most of the time don’t put that potential to use. So I really like this project because of the fact that, again, anyone could be involoved, and i think it would really help young woman prepare and mature of life after high school. 

8 comments February 20, 2008

How’s It Going

So far so good:) Mine and Marketas Brittish authors project is progressing well. We both have our books done so thats a relief! I’m a little nervous about organization because of the fact that there are sooo many things needing to be included in the project. Hopefully we can remember all of them! I don’t think i have any questions, concerns, ect. so i guess thats it! Thanks! 😀

Add a comment February 20, 2008

Hello world!

So this thing is pretty cool…lol..hmm..alrite well thats my first post:D

1 comment February 15, 2008






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