“The Garden of Love” Blog #15

April 28, 2009 blondie11

My very last poetry blog EVER was, “The Garden of Love” by William Blake.  I chose this one as my last one because I wanted to do an author that I really liked.  Throughout the course of this year I have grown very fond of William Blake because he writes to dramatically, but it is put to where you can understand what he’s saying and feeling.  “The Garden of Love” started out very sweet toned and reminded me of “The Secret Garden.”  Two lines in the stanza followed a masculine rhyme scheme, however, the last stanza did not have any rhyme.  I felt like this might have been a sonnet…because to me, it sounded much like how a sonnet is written.  It was sweet in the beginning and then all of a sudden turned dark and evil.  I felt as though this poem represented things in our lives changing drastically.  At the start of the poem, he was describing this beautiful place he went when he was a child.  Then it changed to him returning to this place, but it being full of dark robes and graves.  The last couple of lines make me think that someones life might have been ended.  Perhaps this person was elderly and when he went back to a place he loved, it was a sign it was his time to go.  This poem ended with a very chilling tone, but yet I loved it so much.  It made me think about how some things might be when I return somewhere a long time from now.  Very sad…

Entry Filed under: Senior year

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