“The Land of Dreams” Blog #13

April 8, 2009 blondie11

“The Land of Dreams,” by William Blake was this week’s poem of choice.  I chose this poem because it struck home of feeling like someone you know is has passed on to a better world.  When I first read this poem, I began to think of a child sleeping and dreaming.  I felt that it was more of a poem from the inside of a child’s head.  However, I read it again and felt something completely different.  I realized that it was talking about heaven and using “the land of dreams” as a symbol to represent heaven.  It had quite a sad ring to it because it discussed how someone could not pass through to the “other side” to get to a mother and child in heaven.  On most of the lines, the first two sentences end with masculine rhyme scheme, but on other lines, there is no rhyme scheme.  I really love Blake’s writing because it always has such a sweet tone to it.  It is really the type of poetry that a person can connect to and understand on a personal level.  This particular poem used the most beautiful phrases such as, “Above the light of the Morning Star.”  This poem also contains some end stops.  I feel that technique is critical in a poem like this because it helps the reader to actually stop, look over the line, and make that personal connection.  William Blake is one of those poets who speak to the heart of everyone.  The words are elegant but also to where people can understand what he is trying to say.  I love his poetry!!

Entry Filed under: Senior year

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