“Family Love” Blog #8

February 23, 2009 blondie11

“Family Love,” by Amado Nervo, is a touching poem about a man’s mother and father.  When I first read through this poem, it sounded as though the voice of the poem was a young boy.  The first thing I noticed was that there was no rhyme scheme.  This is one of the first poems I have read that does not follow either a masculine or feminine rhyme scheme.  However, I did notice that there is some metaphor in the poem.  One that stuck out for me was, “My laugh is the sunshine for them.”  By looking deeper than the technique in this line, I discovered that this family is possibly in a bad situation such as poverty because by saying his laugh is the sunshine for them, you can see that there isn’t much that makes the family smile.  I also noticed that the first and last paragraphs end with the same line.  I did read Nervo’s biography and noticed that at age 13 his father passed away. However, the poem has a line about how his father does the best for him, so I wonder if this poem was written about the author before his father passed, or if it isn’t even about the actual author.  This poem had a very emotional voice, which really helps add to the characters role.  This poem seems almost like a prayer to me.  It had this young voice talking about how much the parents’ do and how they are always there for him.  It is such a simple concept that goes so deep.  

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