5th response “I thank you god”

November 18, 2008 blondie11

“I thank you god,” by Robert Hayden was a surprisingly touchy, but wonderful poem.  I was sitting here at 10:00 at night, just after I finished all of my other homework.  I thought I had better do my blog now in case I lose track of time the rest of this week.  Today was a long day…and I start word tomorrow..and i’m way tired..and don’t get enough sleep. So I decide to read my poem for the week.  I flipped to the back of my poetry packet and come to this one. Farily short it was in legnth and looked easy for my tired eyes to read.  By the end of the poem, I was just about in tears..no joke.  I can not belive how a just the right words put together can all of a sudden mean so much.  This poem was pretty much a prayer about all the things we overlook throughout our busy days.  It mentions the “leaping green trees” and the “blue true dream of sky.”  Then it goes on to say how this person was dead but now has eyes awakened to see this beauty.  I began to realize and ask myself how I live my life.  Do I act as though I’m dead to everything natural? Do I not appreciate the things that might not one day be here?  I’m so terrified of getting this gift of natural beauty grabbed away from me..and I would barley even know because I don’t take the time to look anyways.  It was practically fate I read this poem tonight because for one, i feel better, and for two I feel as thought I had a revelation.  Something clicked and I noticed how lucky I am to have the things I do, and to have a world to walk out into everyday. I can go see it whenever I want to..no charge at all, and it never closes.  I don’t want to be dead to this anymore! I want to walk out in the morning and watch for just 5 seconds to catch a glimpse of the things I miss rushing around my busy life. I would reccomend you do it to 🙂 Have a happy life!

Entry Filed under: Senior year

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